Today we’ll be adding 10 ways to reuse bubble wrap to our list.

  1. Stuff handbags: In place of using newspaper to stuff boots and bags, so they keep their shape, you can use bubble wrap. Also, you can pull the bubble wrap out and reuse it afterwards, unlike newspaper, which would be limiting.

  2. Wrap your plants in the winter: In stead of using material you have to buy to wrap you plants and pots for the winter, use bubble wrap. This is not only inexpensive, but all you need is a little tape and you’re done.

  3. Avoid bruising fruit: Line your crisper or fruit basket with bubble wrap to help keep produce from getting bruised.

  4. Make an insulated bag: Line your reusable grocery bags with bubble wrap to help keep your groceries cold. You’ll still need an icepack, but it will help hold the temperature.

  5. Close a draft: If you have a drafty window, cut the bubble wrap to fit the window and tape using gaffer tape. Another way to do this is to spray the window with water and then place the sheet of bubble wrap, flat side in, against the window. This can also help with privacy, as the bubble wrap will distort the view.

  6. Keep hot food insulated: During the holidays you may need to bring a hot dish along with you. The solution is to wrap the item in bubble wrap, as it will help hold in the heat.

  7. Pack away ornaments: When you put away your favorite holiday decorations, like ornaments, wrap the items in bubble wrap before putting it in its box to help preserve it for next year.

  8. Protect your windshield: You can place a piece of bubble wrap over the windshield before a storm and it will help protect the window. Not to mention it will make snow removal easier.

  9. Return to a shipping store: Often major shipping stores will take back clean and in good condition bubble wrap. This helps eliminate some of the waste they produce.

  10. Keep a few sheets in your car: If you know you’re going antique shopping, to a flea market, or anywhere you love to buy baubles bring bubble wrap with you. This way you can protect your treasures without having to ask for extra packaging at the store.

This list proves that once you open yourself up to upcycling, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the many uses you’ll find for everyday objects.

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